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2002-02-03, 7:08 p.m.

Jaidyn has a tooth! It just broke though but its a tooth none the less! lol Her first one, jsut 3 days after she turns one! hehe Silly girl just wanted to be one first!

So we went to Bay City. It was nice. We had a small party for Jaidyn and she got a money that plays music (I had to get the monkey for my monkey girl!) Another toy that has buttons you push and it teaches you words like Mommy, Daddy, Dog, etc. She got an outfit and a sippy cup from her aunt shelly, 2 dresses from my mom, and she got the collector birthday little girls from my mother in law. You know the ones that have the baby through like 16 and they are little girls holding the number or whatever. They are cute! :) She will get one every year now!!

Oh Brian didn't go with us on our trip. He worked 16 hours friday, 18.5 yesterday. Thankfully he had today off but he has to be back tomorrow. Tooo much work if you ask me, but a good paycehck too, which I guess is good. But over all I would rather see him more...

My sister Jody went with me so it worked out okay after all!!

We made the trip back today. It went pretty good even though it is such a long trip. the kids were good pretty much the whole way which helps!! I got home at 4:10 and cleaned up some, while Brian played with the munchkins... Then we went and had pizza because I have been wanting it since I was sick!! Then we rented movies because well we don't get fox out here in the country on our antenna and don't get it on the satilite so we don't have to watch the super bowl! YAY for me, boo for Brian! lol :)

OH Friday the kids had pictures done! They did GREAT! Noah was wonderful there this time! YAY for my kids! They got the cutiest one of them together and I got a proof of that, acutally it was on the portrait creation thingy. I got one of Noah alone and one of Jaidyn alone too! All of them are sooo cute!! I don't have proofs of the others, so I won't be able to share those anytime soon! Tomorrow I will post the wone of them together for you all!

I am gonna go read the diarys and get caught up with them and then spend time with Brian by watching our movies! lol

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