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Morning rain
2002-02-05, 6:18 a.m.

,Good morning! Sleep was nice last night. I slept soundly all night which was nice! Actually we all slept all night around here! YAY for us! hehe :)

Its raining here. Cold and rainy! It is supposed to snow this afternoon??? We normally don't get snow this late in winter, but hey I will be happy with it! Just as long as it lets me get home first this afternoon! lol

So Noah has school today. Its rainy and such so the trip to his school will take a little longer then normal! Not that the trip isn't long enough to start with!

I have to return our movies today and that is pretty much the plan of my day! Nothing planned just return the movies and then whatever. My sister will be with Jaidyn and me, so we will see what we end up doing.

I really don't have awhole lot to say, just felt like writing her this morning and all that!

I am actually dressed and have make-up on and its not even 6:30 yet! WOW for me! I need socks and shoes and need to finish getting everything ready around here. We leave at about 7:15 or 7:20 whichever I actually have everyone ready at! Hopefully closer to 7:15 today with all the rain!

I should go get things done.

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