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check ups
2002-02-06, 1:00 p.m.

Jaidyn had her check up today! She is 23lbs 4 oz and 30 inches tall! YAY for her! She is doing good, but has eczema! Poor thing! I figured that is what the patch dry skin on her was, so I have to get some special soap and some cream for her to help with it! Noah was great while we were there and he got a dinosaur sticker even though it wasn't even his appt! lol

I had half a sandwich & half an apple for lunch today! YUMMY! I had my coke of the day then too! I get my coke of the day when I eat lunch everyday! I have to have it! Then I drink tea and water the rest of the day! I need to excercise but I will do that later!!

Noah had chips, half a sandwich and half an apple and he is complaining he is still hungry! There is no way he is still hungry! Oh well I will give him more fruit if he still wants something to eat though!!

My sister had her pre op appt today! She is having a hyseterectumy (sp?) on the 13th of this month. She has a lot of problems and its best she gets it done. It needed to be done a year or so ago, but she wanted to wait and make sure she didn't want anymore babies first. She has 3 boys; 12.5, 7, & 5 and decided she was through with having kids, even though she still has dreams of having a little girl!!

So anyway Jaidyn is napping, my sleepy baby girl and I am going to go clean, fold laundry, and all that fun fun mommy stuff! hehe

Oh and we never did get snow here! Just north of here did, but not here! UGH I wanted snow! WHAAA I guess that was our `last chance for this winter...

I have to go because Noah wants a drink and a sandwich and this and that. Sometimes I just wish he didn't want so much! lol OH well he is 3 and a kid and that is how it goes right?? He is a good boy overall..

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