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Mean Toaster & My way
2002-02-06, 3:08 p.m.

Guess what?? I am writing another entry today! To hear about Jaidyns appt and such read the entry before this one :)

Anyway my toaster doesn't like me! It wouldn't toast my bread when it was unplugged! hehe I am such a goof sometimes! I can't beleive I forgot it was unplugged and really didn't know why the toast wasn't done yet!

The kids are good today! Noah is watching something on tv and Jaidyn is sitting on the couch! I don't like it now that she climbs everywhere! errrr She is on everything and I worry so much about her falling!!

I am making ham for dinner, and some stuffing I beleive just cause I can't think of anything else to have with the ham I am cooking! I have been cooking more again! YAY for me! I needed to get back to cooking again! I love to cook, most of the time...

I am bored, can you tell? and tired.

Oh have I ever told you my in laws hate the idea of a midwife??/ and they make this decision which is one of the major problems with Brian and always wanting me to have a dr. ugh If I have another baby I will have a midwife, not an ob, I hate to tell them all. His family and hey well mine don't believe in most of the things I do. I want unmedicated, homebirts. I want breastfeeding, I want babies sleeping with me or near me. I want it my way dang it! lol :) One day I will convert some of those who don't agree. I am for extended nursing, and I know my in laws thing that is nuts, probably most in my family do to. Oh well I believe in things that no one else in my family does, but I guess that is how it is. I am me and have my own beleifs.

Brian is more close minded. He doesn't like sleeping with the kids all the time, he doesn't like the idea of midwifes instead of dr.s, he doesn't like homebirths over hospital ones, he doesn't like cloth diapers over disposiables. Though I would love to cloth diaper. Dang when it comes to parenting Brian and I don't have much in common do we? He beleives in spanking and I really don't like that! I prefer to use timeouts and distractions over the spanking. I beleive at a certain age, and for sever things a spanking could be okay, but not always and difently not when kids are little. But by they time they really are old enough to know better, aren't they normally too old for spankings anyway??

Anyway I got off on a rambling trip and need to go change my daughters diaper. I want to cloth diaper her soo bad, I need to buy one or get one from someone and tell Brian I just had to try to because it was givin to me, then maybe, just maybe he would go along with it????

I guess I can't change him, but I can persued him right???

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