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All is well
2002-02-09, 7:46 a.m.

Things at my house are good again! YAY. Jaidyn is playing with her little kitchen, Noah is still asleep in my bed and Brian is at work. Have you noticed he always works on Saturdays these days?? I am making him not work next Saturday. He even told his boss (who is his friend too) that I would make him suffer if he didn't have it off, since I acutally have a baby sitter! hehe! Good Brian...

We are back on better terms. He came home yesterday still in a bad mood, but we had dinner and played with the kids and all that and talked some and all is better around here. I do love him sooo much! We spent more time together yesterday evening then we normally do! I didnt sit at the computer and he didnt sleep! We watched a movie with Noah and let him stay up late! Noah liked it! We all laid on the floor next to each other and watched it! So nice!!

So anyway we *made up* and that was of course worth it! hehe! :)

I just playing stodd on the scale today and am down 5 lbs since Monday now! WHoo Hoo. Yeah about 10 left and I will be happy! I just hate that my cheeks are chubby even when I am skinny! URG! Oh well they do slim down some as I lose weight!

I go through spells were I eat really well, and then sometimes I don't eat as healthy. Right now I am in that healthy mode!

Oh and exercise. I have trouble fitting that in! Between the kids and all its hard but I try. I do tummy crunches though and that is good! I do about 400 to 600 a day now! YAY! They really don't take too much time to do them atleast!

Lala.. What are we going to do today when Brian gets hoke??? Hmm. We don't really have extra money this week, so no eating out or any of that... We probably will eat out anyway! That is our bad habit on weekends, eating out atleast once!

We are going to chruch tomorrow! That I am excited about! We haven't found a church we really really like around here. That is the bad point. I would love to go to the chruch noah goes to school at, but that is a 45 minute trip and we would never make it time! I knew we wouldn't! lol

Well Noah Bug is awake and having a fit about something. He always wakes up in a bad mood so I need to see what is wrong with him....

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