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Not 107 anymore...
2002-02-10, 10:52 a.m.

French Toast for Breakfast, It was yummy!! I haven't made it in a long time, so I made it this morning! Noah and Brian liked it alot!

I ate one piece and is it! I will eat my yogurt and banana for lunch! YUMMY!!

Oh and for those of you wondering, no I didn't have to ruin my surprise for Bri!! YAY I am going to hold off awhile on getting it for him though, It will be a little after valentines day now :( Oh well it will work out!

I have to get the kids something for v-day! Jaidyn will probably getting a stuffed animal or a small toy. And Noah probably a small thing of candy and a video or something like that...

I wonder if Bri will remember to get me something??? Probably not, he forgot my birthday last year! lol But he makes up for it at other times.

I will get Brian something small. Maybe a DVD or something like that...

You know what??? Losing a few lbs does a lot for self estime again! I needed a big boost in that again! I have times were I have lots of it and sometimes when I have none of it! I think it comes from being tiny all my life and now I am not tiny anymore. I am not big, but not tiny ya know?? I think you would have to be small at one time and then be bigger all the sudden to understand it!!

See when I was pregnant with Noah I was 107lbs. I thought I was fat then! OMG how wrong I was! hehe!! I weighted 163 lbs the day I gave birth! I dropped down to 130 right after that, but couldn't drop those lbs, so I ate because I was depressed and lonely and upset about not losing the weight (I will tell more on the story after Noah was born in another entry) So I gained back up to 160. January 2000 I started eating healthy and such and by the end of February I had lost 20lbs! I was down to 140. Then I got pregnant with Jaidyn in May of that year and only gained 10 lbs my whole pregnancy, but dang I sure did look like I gained more, but only in my belly! With Noah I gained weight everywhere, with Jaidyn it was all belly and no where else. Anyway, so I was 153 the day Jaidyn was born! YAY for that!! I lost 20 lbs within a month after she was born! It was amazing! lol anyway I stopped losing a couple months after that and bad eating habits came back. I went back up to 140 (it took me from Jan last year, until Jan this year to gain that 10lbs lol too bad I wouldn't have caught the weight gain sooner, oh well) I have not lost 5 lbs and am down to 135 again. This time eating healthy is for forever. I ate healthy all through my pregnancy with Jaidyn and afterwards for awhile, but then I got back to eating fast food alot o nthe days Noah had school! sigh... Bascially this time, I let myself have either a coke or some sort of snack or something a day that way I don't want it so much and go off eating healthy you know??

Anyway now you know my histry of weight lose! I want to be back down to about 115 again. Not worried about being the 107lbs anymore.. I don't want to be that small. I look at pictures and see I was skin and bones back then and looked almost sick some of the time. I probably was, I would starve myself and exercise more then most teenagers would. I really thought I was fat! Mostly because I have chubby cheeks even when I am skinny! I hate that!! But they do thin out more when I lose weight, so maybe they will go back down some! Maybe!!

Oh the biggest difference now though is big boobs! They are huge now! I was a B before i had noah, I am a D now! OM I hate it! They are soooo huge!! hehe

And kill my back!!

Anyway Jaidyn is napping and my boys (yep Brian and Noah) are watching a movie so I am gonna go join them now that its taken me about 20 mintues to write this entry!

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