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Sooner or Later
2002-02-10, 4:32 p.m.

Okay so I wrote once this morning already, but I am writing again!!

I am bored! Really bored actually! Brian is outside cutting down trees with a chain saw. We went and bought the new bar and blade for it today. So he is happy! Noah keeps running in and out, in and out! Its kind of cold out there right now! Mostly because its windy!! Jaidyn is napping!

I have been working on Noah's webpages. urg! Its being a pain in the butt, but that is okay I will get it all done. I will get his birth story page, and about him pages done today. I want to do pages for him like I did Jaidyns with her first year, but I have 3 years to do with him! Thats a bunch! So I will do a little of those each night or something!!

I wanna know Sandy's secret! I wanna know!!! I am not good at not knowing secrets! hehe

Noah just informed me, he went peepee outside! oh well, I guess living in the country has its advanages! hehe!! Know one will have seen him or cared...

Why does my husband like to cut down trees?? Seems boring to me, but hey it gives him something to do and he actually isn't sleeping! hehe!

I am making a roast, potatos, and carrots for dinner! YUM!! Slow cooking it in the oven. YUM! Its going to be good. Its been a long time since I cooked a roast!!

My husband is a goober! A handsome one at that! He is sooooo handsome sometimes. Like today and yesterday. I look at him and remember all the reasons I married him. sigh.. Sometimes I miss those first few months of getting to know each other and all the exciment of each other, but mostly I enjoy seeing us grow closer and finding new things to love about each other!!

My little Bug is hungry again! He is the human garabage disposel these days! He never eats this good anymore, so its a good thing!

There is nothing on television, but there never is, so that isn't anything new. I think I will give up on Bugs pages for now and go read my book for a bit again! I love reading!!

Oh and I came up with an idea for a story, I am going to start working on tomorrow probably! YAY me! I need to work more on writing my stores and stuff. I do so much better writing stories and such then I do at writing things like this! In stories I get to create the characters and their personalities. In here I talk about ME and My family, and MY feelings! THat is kind of hard for me, and the way things go through my head is confusing and comes out mumbo jumbo!!

Noah is going outside he says, he will be back "Sooner or later" he says! hehe Goofy boy!!

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