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Standing Pretty
2002-02-13, 8:48 p.m.

Since I missed yesterday I will update again today! hehe! Like I don't always update again everyday! lol :)

Brian got home and we went to town to get some infant advil for Jaidyn! She keeps running a fever on and off. Poor baby. Its those mean teeth coming in! I think I liked it better when she didn't have any, and none where coming in!

She took about 5 steps again tonight! She is getting so big. Here are a couple pictures.

This is one of her looking right at me and grinning, which is what she normally does when she is standing or trying to walk

This is one of her looking away but still cute.

So anyway we went to town and got the medcine for Jaidyn, and went to McDonalds for Noah and we ate from Taco Bell. Noah doesn't like the Taco Bell food, so his Mcdonalds was fine for him! :)

We got home and the kids played for a bit, and now they are both asleep! Noah had to go to bed a little earlier tonight because I want him rested for school tomorrow. ITs his Vday party and I want him to actually be awake for it! lol They skip nap time tomorrow and get to watch videos! He loves when they do that! I am sending his Vday cards, and heart shaped suckers to his class! I always try to send something. Hopefully I will have pictures of it to post here!

Man I am such a pack rat. I will save all the Vday cards he gets tomorrow! hehe! I save everything. His first outfit he ever wore, the pillow case that was left at my house from the emts when he was born, the christmas outfit he wore that first year, his first halloween costume, his first shoes, and everything else like that! lol I have everything but his favorite blanket. The blanket he attached to at 6 months old and carried it around until about 2 months ago when he got left in a store and we lost it! :( We still have a piece of it though cause we had to cut it off because it was just hanging off his blanket! lol So i have that! I have every drawing, panting, or craft project he has done at school this year, plus a list of his class mates from the beginning of the year and the list of the ones in there now! lol PACK RAT!!

Anyway I need to go tuck my hubby in bed *wink* oh and put one of the Vday cards I got him in his lunch box. I want him to get that while at work! Then I will give him his Vday present and other card when he gets home. Well actually his other 2 cards, the one from the kids and the romantic one from me! :)

Anyway I am going to bed, have to get up early tomorrow and get going and all that!!

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