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Uninformed People
2002-02-18, 7:18 p.m.

Mr. Noah is feeling better now! YAY for that! He is up and playing right now! I am so happy he feels better!! I love seeing him happy and well again! :) He still has a small cough, and a stuffy/runny nose, but other then that he is fine!

Jaidyn was attached to her Daddy all day! She only wanted Daddy! Whaaa! She was fussy this evening, probably because of the tooth, or teeth! hehe! She is sleeping now.

Some people are so uninformed about things. Like what it takes to a couple who both yern for a baby, and work so hard to get that baby. Its not because a woman is using a man for a baby, its because together, a woman and a man want to creat a child. Like I said though, some people just don't try for babies, and are uninformed about what all comes with trying for a baby. It took be over a year of really trying, and 18 months of never proventing it, before Brian and I concieved Jaidyn. There were times when we were too tired, but BDed , as its known in the ttc world, anyway, because we had a goal. Yes sex is for enjoyment, and showing love, and being passinate, but its also about creating life, eggs being released, sperm, open cervixs, and cervical mucus. See its more complicated then just having sex. Its a process and its timing, not always fun. But if a man and a woman together choose to try for a baby, its their right. Not that the woman just wants to be pregnant so she is using her husband. And anyone who thinks you should wait to have kids, until you aren't complianing about money, don't realize that you are never finacially able to have children, or most people aren't anyway. If you waited for that, you would probably miss your child bearing years.

That and some of us aren't as worried about having money, for the extras. A baby doesn't need a whole lot that money can buy. A only needs arms to hold, comfort and love it, breast to feed from, diapers (which can be cloth and cheaper then disposiables), and a few clothes (that is what washing clothes is for). A baby over all needs love, not the material things, so many people believe is nessicary when they have babies. Cribs, swings, bouncers, and all that aren't always needed. Most often babies want to be held and comforted, not left alone in any of those things... sigh... Like I said some people are just so uninformed, and don't care enough to get facts before they start talking or in most cases typing! :)

Okay so my ranting is over. My adorable little boy is playing with his daddy, while laying on the couch. Such a sweet sweet thing to watch. Nothing like seeing Noah look up to Brian. You can just see he admires his Daddy sooo much, and Brian adores Noah too. He loves watching him learn and playing with him... Just like how Jaidyn looks up and admires her big brother. She wants to be with him all the time. She follows him all over the house, and watches everything he does. Noah is the same with Jaidyn too though, he wants to know where she is, and wants to play with her, all the time. Yes he gets aggervated with her, and she with him, but overall the get along very well!

So Noah will probably go to school tomorrow, since he feels much better now. I will call my sister in the morning and let her know I will be coming, so she will have my niece ready.

I have more to tell you but I don't want to get into it right now. Its nothing about me, and I am happy so don't worry about that! lol

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