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sick monkey boy
2002-02-19, 3:56 p.m.

Why do bad things happen to good people?? Never makes sence to me, and makes me sad to think about it. A little glimps of hope, can turn into such a depressing thing... sigh.. I will leave that topic now, because well I feel bad enough about it happening to such a nice person...

Noah is sick still. Worse today then yesterday. We headed towards his school because he wanted to go, but when we got there, he and I both decised it wasn't worth him going. He was running fever again.. So my sister and I took Taylor (my neice) to school and then went to our friend, Misty's house. We visited for a while, then all piled into Misty's van. All of us being Misty, her 3 kids, Noah, Jaidyn, and my sister! Thankfully its a big van and we all fit well! YAY We went and ran an errand or too, and then went to CiCi's to eat. Noah wouldn't eat, but he did drink which is what is really important anyway. Then we went back to Misty's put Jaidyns car seat back in the car and went to pick up my niece. I took them home and the kids and I headed home.

We got home at about 3:15 and both kids took a nap. Jaidyn is still asleep, but Noah Bug is in my lap. He is not feeling well at all. Poor baby...

It rained but never really got bad like they kept saying it was going to. Shows you weather men know NOTHING about weather most of the time! HEHE

Brian works late tonight :( Puh on him. He said he would try and be home by about 5:30 or 6 but wasn't sure.. Oh well atleast he will be home.

Anyway Noah bug needs all my attention so I am going to go and cuddle with my poor, sick monkey boy

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