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You know they are cute
2002-02-23, 8:07 a.m.

Before I get this entry really started, I want to share the pictures of the kids, I got back yesterday. They were taken Feb 2, for Jaidyn's one year pictures, and Noah's three year picture. The one of them together is on the side bar of this page and here are the ones I just got back!!

Aren't they cute??? Of course they are huh?? I won't be hurt if you all leave little messages for me about how adroable they are! hehe! I love my kiddos can you tell??

Oh and just for you Sandy, I did the Trading Spaces Quiz. I posted results at my

BLOG but I will tell you here too, I got Vern I beleive it was...

Okay back to the fact that I didn't write an entry yesterday! OM that is amazing huh?? I always post an entry, or two, or three! hehe..

Anyway the kids took naps in the morning yesterday, and then we headed to my sisters. We were supposed to run errands together, but ended up looking at cars for her, for awhile. While we looked at cars, the kids (Noah, and her two) stayed with a friend of ours, for about 2 hours and Jaidyn, Jody (my sister), and I went to the Olive Garden! YUMMMYYYYYY. It was great. Even Jaidyn thought so

After we ate and got back and such, we decided that since my sister wanted to look at cars and such, I would have her come back to the house with me, and she could take the car for the weekend. Since Brian only works for half the day today, and I don't have anywhere to go anyway today.. So we stopped by Sears, and picked up my pictures, and went to get a few grocieries I needed and headed here. By the time we got here it was 8:45 and such. So the kids went to bed and I went ahead and went to bed too. I have been feeling kind of sick the last two days. I have a sore throat, stuffy nose, and keep losing my voice! I sure hope I don't get Noah's flu!!!

Anyway enjoy my kiddies pictures, and I am going to go play with my baby girl, and give her some one on one with Mommy, while her big brother is still asleep! :)

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