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one of those rare days
2002-02-28, 9:04 p.m.

Every once in awhile, you experience a day, that is just a really good day. Not that anything wonderful happened, but it was just over all one of the better days, I have had in awhile.

This morning, the kids were great! After I knew how much our paycheck was, and that it was in the bank, I got the kids and me ready and we headed to town. I bought some new make up, because I haven't in forever! And bought a bunch of craft stuff for Noah and I to do! So fun!

We made Brian's mom a card. We used those foam little letters to spell happy birthday grandma. We put foam starts on there too! Then we traced and cut out a print of Noah's hand, and used glitter glue, to go around it and make it stick to the page. I need to do Jaidyns hand but that will get done tomorrw! One one side, I helped Noah write his and Jaidyns name, and we used the glitter glue around the edges of a mini picture of the two kids together (the portrait one) Too cute!! Then Noah cut out pieces of paper and used the glitter glue to make a picture for his grandma too cute!!

Anyway also at the store, I got a pipe cleaner set, that makes bugs and cars! We will do one of those tomorrow I think. If we have time that is. I have laundry to do, and packing and some cleaning so we can leave when Brian gets home!!

We also bought Brian's mom a card, and a cross with a bible verus on it. Its really nice!

Plus I bought each kid a small toy. Noah got a spiderman on a motorcycle, and Jaidyn got a Barney toy. Its neat you ring the door bell and sounds just like a door bell, then open the door and Bareny says hi and then it plays a song. You shut the door and Baby Bop or BJ pop up! So cute!!

So I get home, from the shopping and check my email and all that, then decided to call the H&R block number and see if my check is in yet. I call and it is! YAY So I call my sister to see if she wants to get together and go by with me to get my check and such. We decided since Jaidyn was asleep, she would come by and pick us up, now that she has a car! YAY

So she gets here and we go by h&r block and I find out both checks were in! YAY. So We got all of our money! YAY. We went to the bank, and I took out money for our trip tomorrow and then depoisted the rest in the account! YAY for that!

Then we went by target and old navy! Oh Aishy, I almost ALMOST bought your boys monkey shirts I saw! SOooo cute! But I had no idea the sizes! hehe I saw these and they were different then the ones you saw online for it. You would have loved them!! TOOOO CUTE. I almost got Jaidyn one too! hehe

But I didn't buy anything, and I got home and made homemade biscuits, gravey, scrambled eggs, bacon for dinner. YUMMY. I don't eat much at breakfast time, so I like it at night! hehe

Brian didn't get in until after 6 and the kids were all over him! He was great with them though! Around 8 or so the kiddos went to sleep, and that pretty much is my day!!

Over all it was a great day. The kids were wonderful in the stores. Noah didn't ask for anything, he didn't cry, whiney or scream. Jaidyn sat in the buggy and stayed happy too! At home they played together, and laughed. Jaidyn walked around and Noah played with his spiderman.

Everything just happened to be nice today! YAY. Hope for me tomorrow goes as well, since we are going on our trip!

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