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Back home
2002-03-03, 7:02 p.m.

Well we are home again! It was a good trip! We headed out Friday afternoon at about 3:30. We got to my Dad's at around 9:15. Not too bad. I ended up staying up until midnight talking with my Dad and brother, so that was pretty nice.

We got up the next morning and visited a little more with my dad, then headed to my sisters to visit her and her boys! We spent the rest of the day there pretty much. The kids all played and we got them Mcdonalds for lunch.

At 5 we went to the resturant and waited for his mom to get there. There were about 35 to 40 people there. She was surprised, and really surprised to see us too!! She didn't expect us at all! We all ate and visted with each other for about 2 hours! Then we had a cake for her, and it had a picture of her from the second grade, which was when Brian's dad met his mom!! Neat huh??

After the party we went to Brian's parents house, and visited with is sister, and her hubby, and his brother and his wife, and his step daughter. IT was nice, and Jaidyn walked all over showing off, and Noah played and wrestled with everyone!

This morning we got up and visited for awhile, then Bri took me and the kids to my sisters again, while he and his dad went to visit an uncle of his, who was a machinist like Brian is, and he wanted to give Bri some tools. That was really cool, because Bri's tools are EXPENSIVE!! Because they have to be percise and exact. Anyway he got a lot of nice stuff that he could reallyu use. One set of tools he gave Bri, cost about 840 dollars!!!

Anyway after that, we went and had lunch with Bri's parents , his sister and brother and everyone. At about 1 we left and headed home. We stopped by blockbuster when we got to town, and got Atlantis for Noah and got some other movie, with Nicolas Cage for us to watch later. I wanted to see the movie "o" but they didn't have it! UGH

Anyway Atlasntis is starting and I told Noah I would watch it with him

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