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Making up Stories
2002-03-06, 2:15 p.m.

Three year olds can be so fun sometimes!

Noah and I had a lot of fun during Jaidyn's nap today! We pulled out his new Arthur book. It comes with stickers, and when you read the blue words in the book, you find the stickers and stick them on next to the word. Well I read the book once, then we read it again and I pointed out each blue word and read the word, then had Noah find the sticker and helped his stick them next to the word! It was fun for both of us and I learned how smart he was! Like he knew which sticker was the number 1, number 3, number 5, and 20! yay. Of course on the 20 I told him it was a 2 and a 0 and he find it that way!

The book also came with stickers to help make a story with. So I took that set of stickers, plus our foam cut out animals and we made a story about Arthur and DW going to the zoo! It was fun! I would start with a line and he would finish it and picked the order of the animals they saw, and added in his own stuff, plus did the glueing and sticking of the foam pieces and stickers. So fun!

After that we were looking at his new books. He "read" the Peter Pan one to me. He has never heard the story of Peter Pan and we haven't read the book yet, but he used the pictures to tell me a story, and boy did he do pretty good! lol I am proud of my little monkey bug boy!

Oh no Jaidyn just spilled Noah's drink all over the floor.. sigh..

Okay all cleaned now. Fun Fun! hehe. Jaidyn has been into everything lately! Its cute though. She is so proud of her walking and she is getting better and better at it each day. She is bringing me the towel I just used to clean up the drink on the floor. Silly girl.

I am tired today, but thats okay. I will proabaly try to go to bed early again tonight if I can. With Noah having school again tomorrow, I will have to get up early again. That is if the car gets fixed today...

I want to read, but when I lay on the couch or floor to read Jaidyn wants the book from me and Noah wants me to play, so I will just wait until tonight to read I suppose.

My mind keeps getting back to the whole baby thing (the entry from this morning, talks more about that. You can read it if you want to) but not as much on it as it was this morning!

Today is my brothers birthday! He is 36!! My sister just reminded me of that on msn messager. I need to email me him a birthday card, and tell him how old he is getting! lol

Anyway my monkeys are getting restless and I need to find something to keep them busy so I will go do that.

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