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THursday Morning Ramble
2002-03-07, 6:19 a.m.

Maybe tonight I will do that 101 things about me thing. I will probably do it on the page about me though so it doesn't take up an entry...

Yesterday was an okay day. I wrote about Noah and I making stories and stuff yesterday so I wont repeat all of that! lol

Brian got my car fixed yesterday, and we went back and picked it up last night and I drove it back home. I don't like driving at night, its just not my thing. The lights from the other cars bother me eyes too much, but it had to be done, we needed the car back home!

Today Bug has school, so we will be heading out at about 7:15 like always. I have to write out a nice big check to the church today to pay for this week and for the next 4 weeks. I like to pay a month in advance, so that way I am all caught up you know??

Anyway then I have to go by the bank and pull out all the extra money that we plan to spend on the kids clothes, put in savings for the truck, and fix the riding lawn mower.

Its supposed to get into the 70s today! YAY that is nice! I like those temps!! Its supposed to rain and storm tomorrow night and Saturday. Not fun! UGH.

I will have my sisters two kids from about 3:30 Friday afternoon until sometime on Sunday. Not sure what time on Sunday, probably around noon or so. I am hoping the weather will decide not to storm and such so the kids can all go outside to play and such! 3 kids running around, and 1 little one trying follow them, is going to be a lot when stuck in the house all day!!

Brian will be working a LONG day on Saturday, so maybe I will take the kids somewhere or something. Who knows.

I takes me forever to write these entries these days, I look at the time I started it, and then see what time it is when I am done, and its always longer then I thought!

Oh cheese cake for breakfast is okay right? hehe I had a piece and my coke for breakfast. Not healthy but its a boost of energy!

Oh I meant to write a list of positives for yesterday too. I kind of got down yesterday afternoon, and I decided I would write my positives to get into a more postive mood again!

My car was fixed and I now have it again

Noah and I had time to do fun things together and he was able to show me just how smart he really is.

Jaidyn and I played and she smiled soo much yesterday.

I managed to work on the kids webpage some yesterday! YAY

I actually went to bed early and got some sleep! YAY for that!

The kids were good in the car on the way back from picking up the car.

Bedtime with Jaidyn was easy because she was sooo sleepy. My cuddle bug!

There are a couple more, but I can't think right now. Forgive me??

Anyway I need to go and finish getting ready. As I sit here typing I have a towel on my head, since I washed it about 15 minutes ago and it needs to be brushed and then I need to get the rest of the stuff I will need for today ready and such.

Have a great day!

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