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Extra Kids & 101 Things...
2002-03-07, 5:30 p.m.

Let me start with this:

That is my nephew, TJ. He is 6 and has DS. And he is at my house right now! lol He and his 4 year old sister Taylor.

We had planned for them to spend the weekend here. Tomorrow night and all day Saturday, then they getting picked up Sunday evening. Well so I would have Sunday with Brian, I decided to keep them tonight, and tomorrow night, and saturday night, and they will ge tpicked up first thing Sunday morning. Brian has to work tomorrow and Saturday so its no big deal to have them here for me.

They are all playing good right now, which is good and I am making spaghetti for dinner. All the kids like that. I just wish Bri would get off work and get home. I miss him, and with all the stuff with the car and everything, I haven't seen a whole lot of him this week.

Okay so I broke down and did the 101 things about me so here it is:

101 Things About Me

1. I will be 23 on the 29th of this month

2. I love being a sahm

3. Though I do miss college, and being around adults

4. I met Brian 6 years ago tomorrow, and we have been married 3.5 of those years.

5. I want to move into a house or something in town.

6. I have psyco neighbors (for real, they have pulled guns on people)

7. I love the summer time (even if it does get too hot here)

8. I love having a clean house!

9. I dislike cleaning though! lol

10. I collect little frog figurines called Sprogs

11. I love to take pictures

12. I want to take a photography class one day

13. I want another baby, but Brian isn't ready yet.

14. I am keep track of my cycle "just in case" right now though

15. My parents divorced when I was 11 :(

16. I am the youngest of 4. (My older brother is 14 years old)

17. Noah wasn't planned, but always wanted.

18. He was 10 long days late and born at home (on accident)

19. It took us 18 months to get Jaidyn, 12 of those spent really really trying for her.

20. I wanted Jaidyn to be born at home, but Brian didn't agree so she was born at the hospital.

21. I have had very easy, short labors

22. I love birth, labor, and pregnancy

23. I know all the words to most Blues Clues songs!

24. I used to always watch tv, but I hardly watch anything now

25. I don't really like driving, but I do it for the kids and to get things done.

26. I dislike night time driving though (all the lights bother my eyes)

27. I love to shop, when I have money

28. I am a pack rat and save EVERYTHING

29. Brian was my first real true love

30. I want to be a midwife one day

31. I really want an SUV

32. And a new computer?? hehe

33. My favorite older movies are: Grease, Dirty Dancing, and Cocktail

34. My favorite newer movies are: Coyote Ugly, and The Fast and Furious

35. I was 17 before I left Texas for the first time.

36. I have now been to Louisana, Arkanas, Tennesse, and Kentucky

37. I went camping for the first time in October of last year!

38. I always wanted to get married and have kids, even when I was really little

39. I am terrified of tall or long bridges

40. I also am not a big fan of water (deep water like oceans, lakes, etc)

41. I love singing to the radio, but don't sing too well! lol

42. I will never do to my kids, what my parents divorce did to me

43. I miss my family alot of times

44. We live 5 hours from both sets of parents

45. I used to always want to be a special education teacher, because of my nephew,

46. I changed my plans, when I had Noah and put a hold on college.

47. I love watching Jaidyn learn new things daily

48. I am amazed how quickly children grown and learn

49. I am scared of storms

50. I am way too shy

51. Being shy keeps me from meeting to many people

52. I like candles!

53. I used to collect clocks and still love them

54. I am doing this thing, because everyone else is (lol following the crowd! hehe)

55. I met some of the nicest people, on the net

56. I wonder how I ever lived without the internet

57. And why I kept AOL for 3 years before switching to something BETTER! hehe

58. I love my online diary and blog

59. I read too many other diaries and blogs each day! hehe

60. I am watching the news right now

61. I want to go sky diving, but am terrifed of hiegths!lol

62. I am 9 months older then Brian

63. Brian and I got engaged, exactly a year after we met, at 17 years old (the one time we were both the same age!) lol

64. I buy things for Brian and the kids before I think about myself

65. I love to talk, and if I know you I can talk your head off!

66. But I am a great listener too, and can listen for forever as well

67. I like helping people when I can

68. Sometimes I am too nice and get run over

69. I love seafood! YUMMY SHRIMP AND CRAB!

70. I love cheese cake, even though I used to dislike it

71. the same thing with squash. I used to dislike it, but now love it

72. I still dislike tomatos though! YUCK

73. I have been changing diapers for 3.5 years striaght! lol

74. and still have awhile to go! hehe

75. I am pro breastfeeding, but don't knock anyone elses choices

76. I am a Nascar fan (its the only sport I like)

77. And Jeff Gordon is my favorite driver (has been since he was a rookie)

78. My oldest nephew (12.5) is more like a little brother, then a nephew

79. My sister (his mom) is my best friend, and is more like a mother

80. I lived with my dad for the last two years of high school

81. My daddy bought me my first car when I was 16. It was a 94 Tempo

82. He bought my second car, when I was 18, and it was a 96 calvlier (I still have that one)

83. I have had a computer since I was about 15

84. I didn't get the net until Brian and I married

85. I love to read and will read just about anything

86. I like to write but haven't done it in forever

87. I love the stars and the moon.. (I can lay out on the porch and watch the sky at night)

88. I like crafy stuff, like sewing and such, but never really have learned how.

89. I learned to cross stitch when I was about 7 from my aunt

90. I wear jeans and t shirts most of the time

91. I want to lose about 20 lbs, though I am at a decent weight right now

92. I was 107 lbs before I got pregnant with Noah, and I thought I was too fat

93. Now I wouldn't want to be that small again (I want to be 115)

94. My mother in law and I actually get along now!

95. I dislike bugs. Bugs of any sort! ICK! (spiders, outside bugs, everything)

96. I am not a fan of rodents either! ICKY!! ICK!!

97. I love animals!!

98. I want another cat (I miss my other one, but she kept getitng pregnant before I could take her in to be fixed)

99. I love Brian and my kids more then life itself

100. I need to cook dinner

101. I am FINALLY DONE! lol And this was easier then I thought it would be!!

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