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6 Am and 6 years ago
2002-03-08, 8:19 a.m.

Why does my daughter believe that 6 am is a good time to wake up?? sigh.. I was still tired, but oh well. All the kids are up right now and watching cartoons. When Jaidyn takes a nap I will let the other kids make crafts and things I beleive.

Today is the annversary of the day Brian and I met. We met exactly 6 years ago on Friday, March 8, 1996. Seems like forever ago. You can read about it HERE

We got engaged 5 years ago today as well. I know that story is in this diary somewhere too, but I don't feel like looking it up right now! Sorry!

So for 6 years I have known my Brian, and for 3.5 years we have been married. Long time, but we have a lot longer to go! hehe

I just ordered the kids easter baskets and some crafts for Bug and I to do. I had been looking at the orinatal thingy cataloge for awhile and kept telling myself to order them, but just never did, so when Aishy sent the link I decided, hey why not just to it on the net! lol

I got Noah the blue bunny one, and Jaidyn the pink one. Plus I got easter craft kit, and a jesus loves me craft kid for Noah and I! Should be fun, and I can do them with my niece and nephew too when I am around them.

Its cloudy and supposed to rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn't, because well I have 4 kids today, and 3 of them will be much easier to handle if they get out of the house some today!!

Jaidyn is following the kids everywhere. So cute. She thinks she is a big kid too now! to cute.

I will probably post pictures of all the kids later today, because well I love taking pictures! hehe

Brian is stopping by the store on the way home tonight. He is picking up my 5 rolls of film I turned in. Yep they were from like a YEAR ago, when Jaidyn was just about 2 months old or so! WOW old old. I hope they all came out okay! And he is picking up milk and that kind of thing. Oh and oil for the cars!

Then tomorrow Bri will work again. sigh.. I dislike him working saturdays. Then on Sunday my sister will pick up the kids, then I think we will head to church with our two, and then do a little shopping (not much) and come home and enjoy some time together as a family and outside hopefully!

So anyway this is rambling and such so I will go. Oh and I can't beleive I actually did the 101 things about me yesterday! hehe If you haven't looked at it and actually want to, its on the entry before this one, with a cutisy picture of my nephew!

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