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sicko google person
2002-03-11, 9:32 p.m.

Quick entry to the sicko who got here from the google "boy kids pictures in underwear" that is just plain sick! UGH UGH UGH

And the fact that those got picked out of about 4 different pages on my diary is just sad. The entries about Noah being potty trained, and then on of the pictures entrys of the kids!

SICK SICK SICK for anyone looking up pictures of kids in underwear.

And hey why do people get here by looking up the words "tv, satilite and antenna!" I just don't understand those ones either. I mean heck I get the whol "jaidyn" and "monkey pictures" one those are normal and such, but dang.

Anyway my real entry is before this one so check it out if ya want, man I have having a bad day. Leave me a note in my guestbook if you could, and maybe it will make my day (okay night) a little better, and get me out of this mood I am in

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