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Lots of things
2002-03-12, 9:14 p.m.

Lots of things today. First off, my children are nutty! They sleep late on the days we have to get up, and wake up way early on the days they don't! Normally kids I suppose!

Noah was dressed so cute today and Jaidyn too! Too Cute!

Noah has school and he had fun. I enjoyed telling his teachers about his new clothes and such! Too cute he is!

Jaidyn is a bully! I big one actually! My sister is babysitting 2 weeks out of the month. A three year old girl, Amber and a one year old boy, Ron Jr. They are cute kids! Jaidyn liked Amber, but she kept messing with Ron! The poor thing would cry when Jaidyn got near him! I think she was just trying to play but he didn't like it! lol

So after it the day was over, we picked up the kids from school and then the kids and I headed home. I hate that drive sometimes. 45 is so long sometimes. I just wish it was shorter.

We got home, Jaidyn napped and Brian got home. Noah, Brian and I goofed off outside for awhile, while Jaidyn napped, then they came in and I made dinner (chicken fried steak, baked potatos, and green beans) and we all ate

Brian wanted to work on his parts for the lawn mower, since he bought them, but something wasn't right and he couldn't do it. We was aggervated about that, but he still offered to help me clean the kitchen! So sweet! and he helped with the kids when he could.

He has been so great lately! I love him so much, most of the time! He is always trying to help me out these days and always doing something for me and the kids. On top of all that he works so hard at work for us all too. Amazing man he is!

Oh today Noah was doing something, I can't remember what, and anyway I saw his hand, and thought how big his hand had gotten. It was then I realized that he would be a man someday, and I wouldn't be able to protect him anymore one day. Kind of a sad thought in one way, knowing I can't always protect him, but then again how rewarding it will be to see him as a good man one day.

Oh please if you pray, pray for a baby Cole for me. My friend Billie on my Feb2001 babies email loop has a baby boy, just a little younger then Jaidyn who has lupus, plus something esle, I can't think of, and pnemonia, and ear infections. He is in the hospital and he will have to have chemo in about 2 weeks. Over all he will be i nthe hospital for about 4 to 6 weeks, and then be in and out of them probably depending on the outcome, if he even makes it. It is so sad to me, to see an inncent little baby having to go through this and his poor mommy too. :(

Also I want to move. I want to move bad. I am tired of where we live, being so far from everything, having to drive so far to go to the grociery store or to Noah's preschool. Having wierd neighbors that I don't trust with a ten foot poll and heck just being away from most of my family sometimes. I just want to move to town and be happier about everything. anyone want to buy my house out in the middle of no where? Nope, well thats okay no one else wants to live i nthe sticks either! lol

Anyway I am gonna go and quit rambling and complaining. Just pray or think of Cole and his family. It sadens me sooo much to think of what they are all going through

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