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Preschool Questions
2002-03-13, 2:49 p.m.

I haven't written yet today, but I have been home all day! Wierd huh? So un Robbi like isn't it?

I have been very unlike myself the last few days. Down about things, I normally don't let bother me. I hid it of course, so most people don't even notice that I am upset. But I am feeling a little better today. Still a little down but better then last night.

There was lots I was gonna say, but can't think of anything now that I am writing this! lol

I did get the clothes I ordered for the kids in. Jaidyn now has three new shirts, a pair of pj's with shorts, and a dress. Noah got two new shirts. The clothes are all as cute as I thought and fit the kids well! YAY for that!

So tomorrow Noah has school. Not sure what to do while he is in school. hmmm. Anyway I am tired still today. I am stuck tired these days, which drives me insane! I don't like being so tired!

The kids wear me out easily! Noah is being good today thankfully! yay Jaidyn is still fussy and cranky but not as much as yesterday which is nice! YAY

Speaking of the kids here are a few pictures for ya. This is one of Noah from yesterday after we got home after he went to school.

Then there is this one of Jaidyn taken in her new yellow dress, when I was trying it on her to make sure it fit!

And last there is this one of my little monkey boy who wanted his picture taken a minute ago! hehe

Well I am gonna go I suppose and get something done around here. I need to call preschools. I know I need to ask how many days he will go (I want 3 days new year I think) how much it will cost, what they learn and do, what the provide, what I need to provide for him. What else do I need to ask a preschool?? The one he is in now was easy because I knew a lady who had a child going there, so she told me alot without me having to ask. I need to call around and then go up and visit the preschools and such. I will check into day care for Jaidyn on those days, because I *think* I will be going back to school in the fall. That is if I can leave my baby with someone for 3 days a week! sigh.. So I will have to call and ask about her too. Hopefully I can have the kids in the same place. Anyway email me or leave me a guestbook message if you know anything else I should ask for the preschool!!!

We are having chicken pot pie for dinner. Homemade I suppose. I cook almost everything homemade, except for panicakes! lol I am lazy when it comes to breakfast, but that has a lot to do with the fact that I don't eat breakfast hardly!

Anyway gonna go now for real

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