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school and such
2002-03-14, 7:41 a.m.

Staying home again today. Sigh.. Jaidyn is not feeling good today. I so hate that Noah misses school because his sister is sick. Next year I will have to get him in a school closer to home, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Where I can take him and then come home with Jaidyn. When she doesn't feel well she needs her bed and mommy to just be with her. Plus it would be nice to get things done when Noah was in school and Jaidyn and I were home..

Oh well. I just wish Noah didn't have to miss today. He diffently can't miss next week, they are having a field trip and western day next week! Those will be fun for him! :)

Then the following week they are doing Easter Stuff which is neat too! So I have to get Jaidyn better. Yep she has to get better so her big brother can go to school!

I keep thinking of taking him anyway. He doesn't have to be there until 9 and then they just eat breakfast so getting him there at 9:30 wouldn't be too bad if I feed him breakfast. We will see how Jaidyn wakes up from her early going back to sleep thing she did this morning! lol

Anyway so I am gonna go and decide what to do and get dressed and such just incase we do head off to his school...

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