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Nighty Night
2002-03-14, 10:44 p.m.

I am fixing to go to bed. I am tired! Its been a long day! :)

The kids have been good. Jaidyn had her on and off again cranky, whiney, sick moments where she wanted only mommy, but over all things were good.

I had to go to the store and pick up a few things and bough Jaidyn some sandles and a little cute hat! I know, I know I am bad about doing that! I let Noah pick out a movie too. I should never go to the store with my children alone! hehe If they aren't with me I won't buy anything extra, but if they are I will find something for them.

Okay so not all the time, just times like this, when we have the extra money to do it, because I know there will be another time where we can't do it and I want to be able to get them things when I can, you know??

So anyway, basically we spent the day home doing nothing! I am almost finished redoing the website. Probably give you the link tomorrow. Its turning out really well, and I have changed all the pages from what they used to be! hehe! I started the changes about a month ago, but never finished so I am doing it now! :)

So anyway I am gonna go crawl in bed next to my hubby and snuggle up while I still have a chance. He has to work tomorrow (of course) and works this saturday too (see told ya he would have to work this saturday since I don't have extra kids this time). Oh well..

Anyway this entry really was about nothing huh?? But you all still love me!

Night Night

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