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Suckers and Houses
2002-03-23, 9:50 a.m.

Suckers, my kids love them! They both have red heart suckers, left over from Valentines Day! hehe Jaidyn loves them and makes a HUGE sticky mess out of her self and anything she touches! Oh well she is having fun!

Bri is at work again! puh! He should get home around noon, so about two more hours. sigh.... I wish he was home now!

He has things he wants to get done outside, and then I am hoping we can run to town (okay okay drive) and look at rental places!

I guess I can tell you my secret now that things seem to be going well. Brian and I have decided that within about the next six months, we will be moving. Not just moving to town, but moving out of town. More then likely, back south some closer to family. More for the kids then anything. That and well I miss my sister down that way, and sometimes it would be nice to have family a little closer.

So nice it will be to celebrate holidays with them and then be able to go home at night! Like on chirstmas. I want to have christmas morning at my home, then go do the family stuff you know??

Noah wants to move to a "new home" he says. It looks like we will probably move into Longview for awhile if this all works out with the sell on the house. And while w elive there Bri can but in resumes and applications and see what comes up!

Wish us much luck okay? This is like an answered prayer for me. I have been unhappy for awhile now. Mostly because I don't have many people here for me. I have my sister Jody and that is it. I don't have any real friends here at all anymore. I want my children to have aunts and uncles around and cousins. Though I will miss him being with Taylor and TJ who he loves more then anything else in the world.

Jaidyn doesn't even really know her grandparents at all , and that is kind of sad. I want them to know her and her to know them you know??

But then agai nI love the area of Longview. And I love Brians job. ITs flexable, understand, great pay and benifits, and bonuses!

So it will all be a touch and see type of thing once this house sells as to where we go and such. Just wish me luck kay??

Well Jaidyns sucker is gone which means she dropped it somewhere so I am gonna go find it and clean her up!

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