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Busy few days
2002-03-27, 7:17 a.m.

Okay I feel better today. Brian and I talked about all our options and we are working on figure out what to do next and such. :)

Jaidyn and I just got up a bit ago! YAY for us! Noah is still asleep and guess where?? MY BED! sigh... I love the little turkey but its be 4 days since he slept in his bed all night and ended up in ours. Brian normally gets pushed to the edge, Jaidyn over next to him, then I get a tiny space between Jaidyn and Noah! sigh! Makes it hard to sleep well!

Today I have to go to town! ugh! I really don't want to go anywhere. I want to sit here and do nothing, but well that isn't gonna happen. I have to send 6 plastic eggs, with candy in them to Noah's school and provide the veggies they will be giving them during their party and stuff! They will have sandwiches, veggies, fruit, and then cookies and cupcakes! lol :)

So pickles and carrots and ranch dip stuff I will take! The kids all love those things! :) I won't be able to stay for their easter party, but I will go next week on tuesday for texas (western) day! YAY :)

I sure want to see my monkey learning to milk a cow and ride a horse! :)

So yep in two days its my birthday! :) It won't be anything exciting! Bri will work Friday, then when he gets home we will head to back home where our families are for the weekend! So that is how I will spend my birthday!

I am excited about the weekend though! Its always a lot of fun at easter there. We will go to my sisters first thing in the morning then the kids will do an egg hunt, then Brian, the kids and I will head to church, then out to Brian's grandmothers house for their family get together, and egg hunt (mostly done for my kids sicne they are the babies) and then back to my sisters for easter dinner! :) Busy, yep it is, but it will be fun too! Saturday while we are there we will probably visit some with my sister, and some with Brian's parents!

So anyway I am rambling about the weekend and its only wednesday! lol So today I will run my errands and get home as quickly as possible so I can enjoy a nice sunny day with the kids outside and such! So nice! TOmorrow noah has school and then friday I will pack and we will go visiting! YAY

gonna go now and change a diaper and play with Jaidyn since she keeps handing me a toy truck and babbling at me! lol

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