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A blah sort of Morning
2002-03-28, 6:44 a.m.

We might be moving at the end of April after all! YAY I will tell you more about that on Monday when I know for sure, about some stuff. YAY for me.

Remember back when I talked about Noah learning to use the big boy potty all the time? Well sick weirdos keep finding my dairy from looking up Kids and potty and then pictures. It is picking up words from several entrys because the ones with pictures are the same as the ones talking about pottys! UGH to sickos

My kids are driving me nuts. Its 6:49 and they have been up since 6 and 6L20. Jaidyn got into a ink pad thingy Noah had that I guess got put on the floor and now she is all black from the ink! UGH I got her cleaned up I think.. sigh..

If it wasn't Noah's easter party at school I would talk him. I don't feel like driving all the wya there, and they kids are being so bad. I dread putting them in the car...

So anyway I have had a bad morning, hopefully today will get better. I yelled this morning, and I normally don't yell like that anymore. sigh... I feel bad, because its been so long since I have done it...

Well its about time to get the kids dressed and get all the stuff we have to take into the car for the day. Oh my foot hurts,. I kicked the door on accident earlier when trying to kick Noah's soccer ball into his room! Okay so I was too lazy to pick it up this morning! lol

I wish I wasn't so accident prone and I wouldn't ahve ended up kicking the door and the ball! sigh.. Today will get better right??? Its warm and sunny so that should help make it brighter right??

Welp Jaidyn is screaming at me because she wants Noahs chicken egg he made at schoo and I wont give it to her, so its time to go and such...

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