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Happy Easter
2002-03-31, 9:49 p.m.

Happy Easter! :) I hope you all had a good day celebrating however it is you celebrate the holiday!

We enjoyed ours! The kids got their Easter baskets this morning! The enjoyed that. Then Noah found a few eggs around my dads house.

After that we headed to church, at the church where we got married! :) It was nice to actually go there again! Noah stayed with us during the service, and Jaidyn stayed in the nursery.

We had lunch with Brian's mom's side of the family and Noah hunted eggs there too!

We finished the day at my sisters where they had yet another egg hunt and we had a big dinner! YUMMMMYYYYYY!! :)

So Noah got lots of candy from all the eggs, and really enjoyed finding all the eggs. Jaidyn just really wasn't too interested in any of that this year. Maybe next year huh??

I have lots of a pictures I will share tomorrow when we get home.

Talk to you all tomorrow after our LONG trip back home, you know you missed me! hehe

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