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Texas Day
2002-04-02, 9:13 p.m.

Noah had Texas Day today! He had fun. It wasn't all we thought it would be, but it was atleast fun! They roasted marshmellows and made smores, they used hoops to rope a stick horse, milked a fake cow, listen to a story about horses and cows, did a ring toss, a sack race, and a three legged race!

So much fun things, then they had hotdogs for lunch and chips and just played! YAY I have pictures, I shared with my email loops I will have to upload a couple on here tomorrow for you guys okay??

Oh but check out my Easter Pictures There is even a picture of me on there! I know its amazing! hehe

I am tired, but not ready for bed yet, does that make sence?? Everyone else is asleep right now! YAY so its quiet and such. I might get my book and read for awhile in here before going to bed.

So anyway, yeah, nothing exciting now, other then Texas Day for Noah Bug!

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