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Sick & little boy on news
2002-04-04, 9:43 p.m.

Why am I writing again?

I am BORED, that is why...

Okay so I have things I could do, but I don't want to! Is that okay?? HMMM??

Of course it is, because I decided so! :)

So no really, I am just having one of those days. I feel so blah today. Tired, worn out, crampy (AF was due today, she still hasn't arrived) my tummy aches, and with both kids not feeling too well today I have had my hands full!

Jaidyn has a runny nose, Noah has a cough, and I have the sore throat and tummy ache! YAY for all of us huh??? Brian is feeling well and that is good for him!!

Another good thing, is Brian will probably work Saturday. Yeah I know, that doesn't sound like good news, but today was pay day and last week they started cuting hours, so his check today was SMALL. The bad thing is this next check will be SMALLER if he doesn't work Saturday, so hopefully they will have work for him Saturday afterall!

So yeah. I am still praying about the house selling, and the job back home for Brian. Lots and lots of prayers. I have been reading my bible more again now too! YAY for me, for making more time for that again. I always should have, but I slacked and feel bad!

We are finally selling that wreaked truck of Brians. Three people called on it today. Basically people want it for its parts that still work (which is the motor and all that stuff) and that is all we really planned on selling it for anyway, just the parts are worht money!

Well I am going to go, I have been sitting here looking at the entry page, for about 15 minutes, and then writing so I will go and such...

Tomorrow I have to run (yeah drive) to town and pick up a few things, so hopefully we are all feeling better around here...

Bye bye!

oh sorry I have something else to say really quick!

There is this little boy in a near by town, (I just saw this on the news) who has a rare form of lupus. Anyway he wasn't able to go outside because it would breakout his skin really bad, so a foundation got him one of those suits made by NASA that keeps the sun out! For the first time, he played outside today! YAY for him! He is 3.5 so it made me think of my Noah Bug and how awful it would be if he couldn't go out and play and such... I am so glad there are foundations out there to help kids like this little boy be able to have a more normal life!

Okay really gonna go now! BYE!

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