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Blah to work on Sundays
2002-04-14, 3:11 p.m.

Brian's stupid job, is getting on my nerves! UGH Sorry... He got called in to work this morning. Yep on a Sunday at that. Is it not enough he worked Monday through Saturday, that they need him today too? So days off for Brian. Of course he will have to work tomorrow and through Friday if not through Saturday too! sigh... That is 13 or 14 days straight. He will be too tired to want to help around here and with my cold and me starting to get more and more tired with the pregnnacy,I need him home sometimes... sigh...

The kids have been pretty good atleast. I so needed the nap Brian was going to let me get, but I don't think I will get one at all. Okay so I know I won't, because its 3:14 and he STILL isn't home, after having left at 6 something or 7 this morning. sigh...

You know what bothers me? People who you used to think where friends but they actually aren't? You know they talk about you behind your back, actually no they talk about EVERYBODY behind their backs, because well its all they ever do. Its like they can't enjoy their day without talking about somebody. Some people I used to think were my friends, ended up like this. They weren't friends at all actually.. sigh...

Thats okay. I don't have many friends in this area. Probably because I am too nice and always seem to find friends who want or need something from me. They get what they want from me or use me and then bam its over. sigh... Why am I so nice???

ITs so weird that I don't have any real friends here. I have always had good friends, not awhole bunch, because I am am very shy, but always a few closer friends...

Most of my friends these days are people I talk to on here. If I was more outgoing it would be easier to make friends. and if I could find more people my age with kids, and hte standards I have, it would be nice too. That is hard to find!

Oh well, no pity party for me. Hopefully we will be moving back home, closer to our families and I know people down there I can visit with and hang out with again! :)

I fianlly figured I am about 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant! LOL I went to the 10th of December and counted back the weeks from there! lol :) So when I go to the dr. it will be the day before I turn 7 weeks! :) I am going to call a midwife I found in my phone book, but they are kind of far away, so I don't know. With my fast labor histories I am scaried to not have them closer! lol :)

So okay I am going to go and find something to do. I think I will knit. I had to start over on my dishcloth, thanks to Jaidyn Marie, who pulled my needles out and in the process pulled out stitches! UGH... lol She is cute though so I will forgive her! :)

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