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morning sickness blahs
2002-02-21, 4:44 p.m.

Morning sickness, is not fun. Friday it was so bad I didn't feel like getting up off the couch, and of course it lasted all day long! Yesterday it lasted all morning and today its been on and off. Blah...

Yesterday someone came to look at our house again! YAY they really like it and seem to have decent credit from what they said so we will see!

Brian's been home all weekend and has been spoiling me! :) Letting me rest, taking of the kids, cleaning, all sorts of stuff. So nice he is being...

I go to the doctor tomorrow. I will see how I like this doctor. I don't even know what this doctor does for first visits so not sure if it will just be giving them my history, and then having a pap or what.... I wanted a midwife, but still hyaven't convinced Brian o nthat and the closest I have found it over an hour away from us...

So yay today has been okay. Just watched Serendipity, it was pretty good. Looks like it is going to rain here today, but who knows.

Well I am going to go

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