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slow start, busy morning
2002-02-24, 10:45 a.m.

Busy morning so far! Got up at 7, but laid in bed and read until the kids woke up. Of course Jaidyn was there next to me anyway, and Noah joined me by 8.

At 8:30 we finally all got up! lol So okay it started slow, but then I emptied the dishwasher, and did a load of laundry! YAY I have one more in the dryer, when its done I can pack for our trip this evening!

I can't beleive we are making another trip! We make sooooo many lately. Hopefully Brian gets job there soon and we can move. Only bad thing is the doctor thing. I finally find a decent one and then might move and have to find another! :(

Oh and if the doctor is right about me being not as far as we thought, then I would be due around Christmas Eve! hehe Yep that is what it would come out to be.

I so dfon't feel pregnant at all right now. I hate not feeling pregnant, worries me. I guess even though I don't really want an ultrasound, I am actually looking forward to the one in two weeks so I can see for sure I am pregnant you know?? And because I want to know how far along I really and and such.

Anyway Jaidyn needs a clean diaper and I am hungry. I need to stay busy for a bit longer, I cannot eat lunch before 11 am! lol I normally don't eat until noon or later, but I don't know if I can wait that long today!

Gotta go change that diaper now...

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