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Made it through Girls night!
2002-05-05, 3:23 p.m.

So Jaidyn and I survived our night alone! Actually it went well. She was a wonderful little girl for me last night. So sweet!

After she went to bed, I stayed up for a bit and talked to my sister on here, then I crawled in bed and read my book. I didn't sleep as soundly as I normally do, but I did sleep atleast. I am just so used to having Brian home at night now, you know??

So today, has been a girls day. JAidyn has been wonderful! She is so smart! :) When she took a nap, I did some more packing and I really should get back to it now, but I don't want to! lol :)

Right now she is actually watching tv! She hardly does that! lol Actually we have just had the tv on for noise, and for once Brian and Noah weren't here to keep changing the channel to some weird show (brian) or cartoons (noah) lol Jaidyn and I didn't even really know what was on the tv most of today!

My guys should be home soon I think. Brian didn't call when they left his parents (ugh) so I am not sure when to expect them really. I hope in the next hour or so. I miss them! :)

Jaidyn misses them too she keeps walking into Noah's room saying "buba" and going to the door saying "dada" So cute and sweet...

I need to go pack atleast two more boxes, I am trying to sit a goal for myself on packing certain amounts a day. I have to get all I can get done today, because well, tomorrow I have my doctors appointment, tuesday noah has school and thursday he has school too. So that leaves me really today, wednesday, friday and then the evenings of the other days! This time is going fast! I only have like a week and a half left to pack up this whole house!

I do have most of the stuff off the walls and such all packed up!

I will write something more meaningful later, I have stuff I want to say just not time...

Oh oh but I have to say since she has told everyone pretty much. Congrats Aishy! I didn't want to say it here before, just incase someone read who you hadn't told yet! hehe I am excited for all us preggos! Its funny how we are all pregnant together!

So yeah, I need to go and change a diaper and pack....

Hearing: Jaidyn babbling

Thinking: When will my guys get home

Antispating: Seeing my guys when they get in

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