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boring rainy day
2002-06-26, 1:44 p.m.

Boring day. Its done nothing but be nasty and rain all day! UGH. I hate that!

OH well. Jaidyn slept until 9 and Noah until 9:15 so that was good! YAY I got up by 8:30 though.

We went looking for rent places last night and nothing. looks like we may have to look into apartments, even though I dislike that idea. I like having a yard for the kids, you know??

Anyway so we will see what comes up you know?

I think I am going to start getting back to cutting down on tv, stopping Noah from seeing the power rangers (though he hardly watches them anyway) and stuff again.. I was really good about it for so long, but I am getting lacks in it...

Jaidyn wasn't near as whiny today as she has been. She is napping so that is good.

Anyway I need a shower so I am gonna go take one while Jaidyn is asleepo

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