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Daddy's Girlfriend??
2002-07-12, 4:25 p.m.

My dad has a girlfriend. Yep he does. HE told us about her and we are meeting her tomorrow! WOW! After 11 years of my parents being divorced he finally has a girlfriend. I am so happy for him. I hope she is good to him, he deserves it!

I hope I like her! I will meet her tomorrow and let ya know!

Okay so I got a lot done on the house! LOTS! Got lots more to do, but hey it takes time...

HAd my dream again last night, but not the night before. So one night without it since all this happened. Atleast one night I had a break from it...

Anyway I hope to update you guys once a day, but I will have to do it from everyone elses houses, until my DSL gets hooked up on the 23rd!

YAY for my daddy and look for pictures of my house on here soon!

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