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Pay Day
2002-08-15, 10:01 a.m.

Good morning. I have been up since right around 7, so for 3 hours now!

I cleaned some, vacuumed and now am writing this. I want to crochet some more in a minute though...

We almost bought a computer yesterday. Almost but I decided to wait another couple weeks, and get all of our bills in so I can make sure we can get one with no problem... Very good Robbi! lol

With Noah going to school and that cost coming out too, I don't want to run us too thin you know?? So I am playing it safe and waiting a couple weeks then we will get one. So all in all I am still getting a new one soon! YAY

Brian has been great lately. Such a sweetheart. Don't know what got into him, or maybe it was the big disagreement we had over the weekend! lol

We are thinking of getting a babysitter for Saturday and going and doing somehting ALONE together. That would be soooo nice. We haven't had alone time, since June... We really could use it especially with all we have been through since then... We will ask someone tonight if they can do it this weekend, cross your fingers for me okay??

Why am I so tired?? I slept good, just tired... I need to make out bills today... or well I can do it tomorrow. I sure hope Brian gets home early like he talked about yesterday, because then we can get his paycheck in the bank today, and he can make a few phone calls, that I really don't want to make... sigh... Anyway , tonight is orination at Noah's preschool. At 7, so I have to go. Brian is gonna go too! YAY

Thursday already, that means PAYDAY YAY! Oh and I made another survery. Its just an everythign survey on my survey page. Anyone know how to delete a survery?? I need to delete my old one...

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