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Next year..
2002-08-23, 7:59 a.m.

Good morning. I 8 am and my kiddos are awake of course. Jaidyn is on my lap. Actually she was playing, then her big brother woke up and came and hugged me and well that made her mad, so she is back on my lap and Noah is on the coucn ... Poor thing

okay Jaidyn got up to chase the kitty, which makes typing much easier without her trying to help! lol

Anyway Brian got home a little after 10 last night. He looked at the computer and then he showered and went to bed. I went to bed then too because I was just tired last night for some reason...

I am working on Noah's blanket some more, well I did a little on it yesterday and will do a little more today and so on. I am going to try and spend the day with my monkeys because well on Monday Noah starts school. Thankfully for the first month he will only go Monday, Wednesday and Friday. That way I get to gradualy not have him home. I will miss him :( and next year I have to give him over to school for 5 days a week! WHHAAA My baby will be in kindergarden next year and that amazes me that next school year, my son will be in REAL school, not just preschool. I won't be able to decide not to send him for 5 full days like I get to now. I will just have to let h8im go... unless I home school. But Bri really isn[t for that. But then again he and I have different views on a lot of things. Sometimes he wins, but most of the time I do! hehe :)

okay I need to get Noah a drink, fix the kids breakfast and then go work some on Noah[s blanket. I don't have any house work today other then one load of laundry since I got everything done yesterday! YAY me :)

Oh and the link for the photo log works. So if ya wana see a picture of my new compter you can there. That is the picture for today! lol

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