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So much
2002-11-17, 1:07 p.m.

Good afternoon! :)

Its been a busy morning. Doing laundry, cleaning some, and keeping Jaidyn out of things! She is ALWAYS getting into stuff these days! sigh...

Kitty litter, and the cabinets are where she normally likes to get into! ugh Ilove her though so that is good

I really think Bri is okay with us going to start trying for a baby soon. YAY I am excited and scared about the idea though... I just have to rememver that things can go just fine this time even if we did lose Faith... God will be with me so that will help...

Noah loves school. I wish I could afford to pay for him to go all 5 days. My mil kind of seems like she will pay for atleast an extra day so he can go 4 days. We will see for sure though after this first month

My fil is coming into town this weekend! YAY We hasvent seen him in awhile. My sister in law had a dr. appt yesterday, I hope everything is okay with her. I should call her and see...

My annversery is coming soon too! Yay! almost 4 years ago when Brian and I got married already! 4 YEARS! its flying by ya know? We have known each other since March 10, 1996!! That is like over 6 years and that is just amazing! lol Brian has been part of my life for most of my memories these days... Though I still remember Ryan, the guy before him. sigh.. UGH...

Anyway so yeah I am gonna go eat lunch since Jaidyn is napping and I can eat in peace, and then fold laundry and start another load, oh and maybe crochet! lol

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