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2002-09-23, 11:01 a.m.

So far not a bad day really. Took Noah to school, Jaidyn and iwent and got milk at the store. Then we came homea and tlaked to my sister on the phone, then went out to walmart. We got home and she is playing and I cleaned up some. I need to fold laundry still but yeah I have time.

Oh I exercised today too! YAY Me! and have been eatting right so that is good too...

Jaidyn seems to be in a decent mood which is nice, and oh something so cute. Noah went into his class and Logan (another littl boy in the class) went over and hugged noah! It was tooo cute! :)

Oh my monthly friend came to visit finally! 7 weeks later I finally got AF. Most people don't get excited but it means my body is working and dang it I am NORMAL! So we are on our first cycle of ttc! Oh my I am kind of freaked out now. But excited. Scaried and excited. My mind goes bakc nad forth and back and forth with that. That and I worry about how long it will take us, I hope not a year like with Jaidyn, but however it happens is how it happens. God controls that not me! :)

So yeah I am gonna go play with Jaidyn for awhile before I get us some lunch and stuff. I can't believe in an hour and a half it will be time to pick up Noah already. Time FLIES!

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