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a little of this, a little of that
2002-09-27, 6:50 a.m.

Yesterday was a long day... Long long long. With both kids home all day and Brian working it was long, but it was an okay day...

Then when Bri got home we made a drive to this other town about an our and 15 minutes away, because next week Brian will be working there for his job getting paid his normal pay, plus 75 dollars a day, without taxes taken out for each day he is there. That is an extra 375 dollars this next week (maybe longer)added to his next weeks paycheck after the taxes have already been taken out. That is cool. Really cool since this weeks check was tiny thanks to them killing it with taking our two insurance payments, when we found out we weren't even in the computer until last week! UGH I shouldn't have to back payu anything that this idoits messed up on, espeically since they didn't have us on the computer as being covered and we STILL haven't gotten our insurance cards...

Anyway guess what?? When I go pay Noah's preschool today, I am putting him in 4 days starting next week! YAY :) I won! lol :) Brian finally agreed to it, the day before I have to pay so that was close but good...

AF is still here and killing me. Day 6... BLah Hopefully tomorrow it will go away, that will be day 7 and if my cycle is back to normal day 18 is ovulation day will be oct 9 th!

Okay I am having a coughing spell so I am going to go get a drink and make Noah's lunch and such. The kids have to have bathes this morning, soi I have to wake them up earlier then normal which sucks, but I didn't want to bath them when we got in at almost 9 last night I had to get them in bed!

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