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Weekend rambles
2002-09-29, 9:44 p.m.

Scout is trying to get the frog that is in a plastic box. LOL He can't figure out how to get to the frog through the plastic!

Just so you know this little frog, is one Noah found outside and he put in his bug house.

So yeah, yesterday my sister and I went to see Sweet Home Alabama and it was good. Today I did nada. Yep nothing really exciting. Bri went fishing with his brother and both kids stayed home with me this time.

When Jaidyn napped and Bri got home, I went by my sisters and picked up a couple books, and then went to blockbuster. Noah went with me of course...

After that nothing exciting. I did crochet some more today, but not as much as I would have liked, but yeah I will have time for that in the mornings w3hen Noah is in school this week...

Its weird that he isn't going tomorrow! I feel odd not having to get him up, but I am sure it will feel add for me when he has to get up on Tuesday and Thursday! lol He is going to LOVE it though! He was already telling everyone!

So tomorrow what is on the agenda?? Exercise, eatting healthy. I keep trying to stick with that and I keep messing up :( That sucks, but yeah I feel better about it today so that is good.

If the weather is good I will take the kids outside to play tomorrow morning before it gets too hot, and then I think we will paint of something!

Did I tell you we started our christmas shopping on Friday afternoon?? Yep we got the kids a few things and put it on layaway at walmart, just because we don't know where to store the stuff right now! lol I will probablyh go next week and pay it off and bring it on home! :) This is the earliest I have ever started shopping and I am happy about it!

Tomorrow I have to clean again! I cleaned everything around here on Saturday morning, but after being gone and leaving Brian with all the kids(my sisters too) the house was a wreak.. So tomorrow I get to clean the house and don't let me forget the CAR! lol

We watched Joe Somebody tonight. It was cute I liked it. We also got Murder by Numbers, but the tape is messed up. See they should have had the dvd! UGH lol

Day 8 of my wonderful cycle and af is all gone, but you guys don't care about that right?? Probably not... Hey you know what?? Its the 29th which means tomorrow is the 30th and tuesday the 1st of oct. that means I can pretty much say Jaidynm is 20 months old already! WOW getting so close to 2 its almost scary. I want her to be a baby again sometimes...

Okay rambling so I am going to go do something, I don't know what but somethig

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