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2002-11-06, 3:35 p.m.

Tired and sick. Blah!@ Woke up feeling awful this morning. I really felt morning sickness for the first time this morning! Blah. Between this cold I have and all this nasty phlem in my throat and smelling things! Like this morning, I made Noah a sandwich for his launch for school and well the smell of bread was just too strong, and I gagged. That is just so not fun.

Noah went to school today. He did good and had fun Tomorrow his class is taking a field trip to the dentist office. Noah says he will go because they won't be checking their teeth! lol Silly boy

He also got a prize at school our of their grab bag because he was good and you know what he did?? He picked something out to give to Jaidyn! AWWWW to sweet.

Noah is playing, Jaidyn is sleeping and I am fixing to go write again. I wrote 1000 words this morning, I want to get atleast 2000 more tonight! I am at 13,000 and someting. Can't remember the exact numbers right this second, but I want 15,000 or 16,000 by the time I go to bed! :)

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