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our day
2002-11-28, 6:37 p.m.

Our thanksgiving was a good one!

We went to my moms and my sister and her hubby and kids came too.

We ate good food, talked, goofed off and took lots of pictures.

If you go here:

You can see a bunch of pictures of my family, and I am actually in several of the pictures! WOW :) lol There is one really cute one of Jaidyn that I took too, its the first in the album. Enjoy if you want to look.

Anyway we are home, Bri is watching football and is half asleep, the kids are playing so I am goofing off on here.

Oh and I updated my web site yesterday too if ya want to go see that. I think that link is on this page, so I won't link it in here

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