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2002-12-02, 8:14 a.m.

Yesterday afternoon I flattered my husband. We left the kids with his parents (after they took us out to lunch at a chinese food place, where only us preggo woman, my sil and I, got seconds! lol) and I went with him out to where he hunts. We just sat in one of the dear stands and watched the dear! I saw 25 dear around there. It was actually neat to just watch them, but I don't see how he can actually shoot them :(

Anyway when we picked up the kids, they had helped my MIL put up her christmas tree and were hyper. The one thing that ticked me off (the only thing that still bugs me about my MIL) is thast she will do things she knows I don't want her to do. Like the fact that she cute Jaidyn's bangs yesterday without asking. Okay she is my kid, and I was actually trying to get some of those hairs she cut (she gave Jaidyn TOO many bangs) longer so they could be pulled back in the clip or in a barret! UGH If she had asked I would have told her what I was doing. Thank goodness she didn't try to cute the rest of Jaidyn's hair or I would have come inglued I think, especiallyh in my pregnancy hormonal state! :)

By the way, if you don't read my pregnancy journal I am now 10 weeks pregnant! YAY. Its going kind of fast ya know???

We told Noah about the baby last night. (I need to add this to my pregnancy journal too) and he said "Another one?" lol and then he said "That is why your getting fat mommy." Isn't he just the sweetest little boy in the whole world?? NOT! lol

Anyway I have laundry to do, a house to clean, and kids to play with so that is it for me

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