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2002-12-03, 6:07 a.m.

Brian didn't get home until after 7 last night! UGH So no christmas tree went back oup yesterday after all.

He had to be at work this morning at 4 am! That is early! He doesn['t know when he will get home today! UGH

Last night I was so tired and he got in so late. I needed a break even for 5 minutes. Jaidyn took over an hour to finally go to sleep, and Noah ended up in our bed again after a bad dream! I got squshed. I don't know how I am going to make ti when I am hugely pregnant with everyone in my bed!

Noah has school this morning! He is excited, he has been out for almost a week with the holidays and such. He kept tell me yesterday he wanted his friends! :)

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