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Lots of things
2003-02-13, 7:25 a.m.

Yesterday was so busy! Well okay it wasn't busy busy, but I didn't get on here as much to write and such ya know??

Noah and I did preschool type of work. I figure since he isn't into preschool again yet here that he will learn at home with me for now. So we did that and he was great at it! :) Then we played his memory game twice and then he played it by himself for a bit.

After that he played games on the computer and online. He is so good! All that was done while Jaidyn was napping! I started crocheting again yesterday. I haven't done any crocheting since the getting of Dec so its fun!

Last night we had breakfast for dinner. YUMMY.Jaidyn ended up in our bed AGAIN that is 5 night straight, but when Noah came into our room we moved them both back into their bed. We just can't fit 2 adults, 2 kids, and my pregnant uncomforable self all in that bed without everyone being squished

Today I need to go to target, and then tothe grociery store, its rianing, so we will see how the kids are doing or if I want to deal with them in the rain and such out today!

Okay I am going to get me some breakfast, the kids are still asleep, well nope Jaidyn just walked in here, so I will make her breakfast too. I should have slept longer I was up from 4L45 until 6 am blah

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