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tax return and no sleep again
2002-09-21, 7:34 a.m.

Wow everyone like updated around here last! lol I just went through all my favorites to get caught up and read them all!

I checked the bank this morning and our income tax check is already there! YAYYYYYYYYYYY Shopping tomorrow for me, yes...

Long long night it was last night. Miss Jaidyn was in our bed at 1 and went right back to sleep, at 2 she was up until 4 in our bed, Noah came in at 4 and slept on the floor (when he actually comes to our room, which isn't often, he brings his pillow and blanket and lays next to our bed. I don't know why lol)next to Brian's side of the bed. It took me until 5 to go back to sleep and Brian ended up going to the couch becasue Jaidyn was too wiggly. At 6:15 Brian's alarm went off which I had to get because he was on the couch and I had to go wake him up and go back to bed. Only to be up again at 7 this morning.. sigh... No sleep for me AGAIN

Its okay though, I love my monkeys and if she needs to be in our bed for some reason she needs to be there, though I just wish she would sleep in there.

We had wendys for dinner last night because well I didn't want to cook and Brian said he would go get us something! :) YAY

Anyway Jaidyn is wanting something not sure what so I am going to go and tend to her, find them breakfast and then clean up this house today!

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