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wow, so much
2003-03-01, 7:48 a.m.

Wow its March already huh?? This is a busy busy month for me! Sometime this month my SIL will have her baby (not sure if she will have induction or not now)my brothers turns 37, Brian will have met 7 years ago on the 8th and engaged 6 yers ago that day, my BIL's birthday is on the 23rd, mine on the 29th and my great aunts is on the 31st!

So much to do in March! Then it will be April, then May and FINALLY JUNE!!! I can't wait until June, June, June! The mid to end of June would be nice yes??

Seems so close yet so far away all at once.. sigh... 4 more months....

I am tired, but what is new huh?? Jaidyn was in our bed most of the night again. I love cuddling I do, and yes we co slept and still do most of the time with her, so I know she feels more comfortable in oiurbed, but right now Mommy isn't comfortable in bed with everyone ya know?? Almost thinking of just sleeping on the couch myself.

Brian is working today, so it is just another boring day. I dont' know if he will get home around noon, around 2, or later. He didn't know. He better call and let me know. Some days he is GOOD about calling and someday he is AWFUL with it!

I still can't beleive I have been with my hubby for almost 7 years now, engaged for 6, and married for almost 5! Wow. Hard to beleive I was 16 getting ready to turn 17 when I met Brian. We were just kids having fun, an d now here I am almost 7 years later, getting close to 24 years old, no long a kid, but a mother and wife. WOW I have a 4.5 year old, who will turn 5 this year and start kindergarden. Just doesn't seem possible to me. I have a 2 year old, and expecting another baby this year as well. WOW Last year wasn't filled with as many good thigns as this year is promising. Lets up this year stays this much better, and sorry for my rambling but everything is coming out all jumbled

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