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family day yesterday and ugh today
2003-03-09, 9:02 a.m.

Yesterday was a good family day. Brian and Noah made me breakfast! Awww too sweet. Then we went to the park with the kids and the dog too! Brian and Noah flew Noah's kite and Jaidyn slide down the slides at the park over and over again. Cheyenne sniffed around and slept! lol

Anyway the kids had fun playing with all the other kids. Noah really is starting to not be so shy around other kids, which I love. Jaidyn made a friend with a little boy who was 8 or 9 years old. Too cute! He followed her around and helped her do evetrything. She just grinning and followed him too! lol

Then we brought the puppy home and went to mcdonalds to eat, and let the kids play in the play area for ahwile;. The kids loved it! :) We came home after that and JAdiyn napped and Noah played outside with is friend clay/ Brian was outside with him and the dog.

Then we went and rented movies alter. The country bears for the kids (which they loved), Serving Sara for me (it was good too) and some movie for brian which we will watch tonight, or I will say he will watch and I will crochet, read or be on here more then likely! lol

This morning has kind of sucked. Really. Kids are cranky, Brian is cranky, and its annoying the crap out of me. I even made them waffles (homemade) and sausage for breakfast. I have laundry to do, instead of helping fold it Brian throws it on the bed to put what he wants i nthe dryer... sigh.. I have no help today and so much to do so I guess I should get started...

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