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Noah's Friend
2003-03-09, 10:11 p.m.

Another good day! Noah played with his friend Clay for about 4 hours today! WOW! They played at Clays, then over here, then outside in the front. It was nice to see him with another kid his age and getting along so well!

Clay's dad said Clay normally plays with his older brother and sister so not many kids his age, so they think its great to see the boys playing so well together too!

Here is a picture of Noah:

And Jaidyn doesn't like Noah having a friend. She likes her brother to herself and isn't happy that he can go play at Clays house and she can't! Poor thing! She thinks she is a big big girl! lol

She is too cute though see:

The puppy is good and my day got better today! After this morning I cleaned, and the kids played outside wtih Brian, then I rested and such too. We went to the store to get a couple things we needed (dog food) and such.

Anyway I think I am going to bed now, if Chase will stop wiggling around long enough to let me go to sleep. But its okay if he doesn't I love feeling him move!

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