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2003-03-14, 9:54 a.m.

Friday Five

1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?

Depends on the day, who I would be talking to and what I need to get done! lol I do like talking to my sister on the phone while I am cleaning or something. I hate talking on the phone to people I don't know well/

2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?Brian yesterday right before he came home from work!

3. About how many telephones do you have at home?

Two, a cordless one in our room and a regular phone in the living room becuase our cordless likes to die for no reason (well okay Jaidyn dropped it into the toliet and that has something to do with it but you know! lol)

4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened?

yeah I talk to a couple people who are really bad about talking to others in their house while on the phone with me. I hate it, don't call if your too busy talking to someone else!

5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not?

Depends on who I wanted to talk to and what all I wanted to say! Normally email is the way I go with friends, letters I haven't wrote in a long while (since I have had the internet and my family too! lol) but there are sometimes I would rather talk on the phone and hear a voice.

Okay see I was bored bored bored. Actually I keep falling to sleep when sitting down so I got on here for a bit. Oh no the kids are doing something and it doesn't sound good... bye Okay I am back for a minute. They didn't break anything after all! lol Here is This or That Tuesday just because I had it done and wanted to post it.

This or That Tuesday (yes I know its friday

1. Married or single? married to my Bri Guy
2. Knit or crochet?I do both but am better at crocheting
3. Homebody or world traveller?A little of both actually! lol I am more of a homebody but would love to see more of the world
4. "Star Search" or "American Idol"? American Idol, see my entry from yesterday were I confuse to loving that show! lol
5. Dancing or karaoke?I can't sing or dance but I like to try and dance and Karaoke is fun to watch (never would I do it, I am too shy)
6. Elvis Presley or Elvis Costello?Neither! lol
7. Bus or train?Train I would guess, but neither mostly
8. Batman or Superman?Superman but don't tell noah he likes batman (and spiderman! lol)
9. Chocolate or vanilla?Both and can I have some caramal with them too? lol
10. Which came first...the chicken or the egg? The Chicken.

Okay so I know I did my I have nothing else to do stuff (when I do have laudnry I could do) I am going to go back and play with my kiddos ago. So far we have played ball (IN THE HOUSE no less, bvut itwas rolling the ball) and played with some of their other toys, so now to find us something else to do!

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